Bicolor Angelfish – Centropyge bicolor
Other name for this fish is oriole angelfish. It comes from the Indo-west-Pacific ocean region. 
Maximum Size: The maximum length is 5.9 inches
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons or larger tank is appropriate
Care Level: The bicolor angelfish is a medium level fish to maintain. On a scale of 1 –10, the (10 being easy) it would rate a “6”.
Tank Conditions: - Temperature 72 - 78°F; Specific gravity: 1.020 – 1.025; pH: 8.1 – 8.4
Color: The bicolor angelfish is a rather beautiful fish. Its colors are blue and yellow. The front of the fish is yellow with a blue stripe over the eye. The back is almost all blue with yellow on some of the outer edges and fins. The tail is yellow
Temperament: The bicolor angel is not overly aggressive and can be kept with other fish as well as members of its own species (if given enough room).
Reef Compatible: No – the bicolor angelfish will often bite at or eat corals and clams. This is a fish best kept in a fish only tank.
Diet: Omnivore - will take a varied diet of chopped shrimp, brine shrimp, chopped squid and clams as well as flake food and plant matter such as spirulina algae. They should be fed 2-3 times each day.
Habitat: Provide with plenty of hiding places and live rock growth for grazing on – keeping live rock is important.