Lemonpeel angelfish grow to about 5.5 inches |
Lemonpeel angelfish are not recommended for reefs |
Lemonpeel angelfish need a varied diet |
bicolored angelfish thumbnail |
The green mandarinfish as picture shows is quite a colorful fish |
The green mandarinfish comes from the West-Pacific ocean region |
The flame angelfish comes from the Western-South and Central-Pacific ocean |
Flame angelfish in general can be kept with small non-aggressive fish |
The cleaner wrasse is not overly aggressive |
The cleaner wrasse is a torpedo shaped fish. |
They will continually attempt to clean parasites and groom other fish. |
Coral beauty in general can be kept with small non-aggressive fish |
The coral beauty comes from the Western-South and Central-Pacific ocean region. |
regal angelfish is a possibly low level (hard) fish to maintain |
The regal angelfish is one of the larger angelfish |
The marine betta will eat ornamental shrimp |
The marine betta comes from the Indo-Pacific ocean region |
As it matures the tomato clownfish may become aggressive |
Tomato clownfish will do well in a reef aquarium |